Monday, November 12, 2007


hiya, heard about your recent adventure! hope alls well and you are resting well...

here's an update from the Seahs:
Most importantly, the oceanic project in my living room is up finally!!! and after many many many hours of back breaking work, and many many nights of gallavanting, and many many dollars later... I'm proud to present my marine fish tank. denizens include: blue tang, naso tang, powderblue tang, yellow tang, fox face, 2 maroon clowns, chromis, damsel, zebra goby, 2worker shrimps, 2 boxer shrimps, fire urchin, cucumber.. and lots and lots of corals, clams and rocks!

See my Slide show here


Serendipity said...

Love this project of yours. Can we snorkel at your place? How abt some of those Orange Fish (more more more Nemo).

Pin ask what is your next big project?

jules said...
